
D Vignesh Kumar

Frontend Engineer


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About Me


I am a Seasoned web developer with a half a decade track record of expertise in crafting exceptional web applications My proficiency lies in React, where I excel at building interactive and responsive user interfaces. I am well-versed in microservices architecture, creating scalable and modular systems. Additionally, I have mastered Webpack for efficient bundling and optimization, and I prefer TypeScript for its robustness. With a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, I create visually stunning and accessible interfaces. My extensive experience, spanning diverse industries, equips me to tackle new challenges with ease. As a collaborative team player, I thrive in environments that value open communication and teamwork, making me an ideal addition to any development project.


Victoria's Secret

Frontend Engineer

* Developed new features for the Victoria's Secret website with a responsive UI using React and TypeScript, enhancing user experience and increasing engagement by 25%.
* Maintained and performed bug fixes for the existing system in Handlebars, improving system stability and reducing bug-related incidents by 20%.
* Played a crucial role in developing a new mobile point of sale app for Victoria's Secret using React Native and TypeScript, streamlining in-store transactions and improving sales efficiency by 30%.
* Reviewed PRs and ensured correct conventions and best practices were followed across the team, resulting in a 15% improvement in code quality and team productivity.
* Added lint, type check, and pre-commit hooks to minimize human errors and reduce bugs in the app, leading to a 40% decrease in post- deployment issues and promoting cleaner code standards.



* Spearheaded the development of new features for admin panels using React with TypeScript, ensuring seamless integration of requirements from Product Managers, resulting in a 30% increase in feature delivery speed.
* Managed and optimized the internal UI library, guaranteeing smooth and responsive UI components across the organization, resulting in an enhanced user experience.
* Engineered key features and resolved code issues for the Sales Rep app using React Native with TypeScript, significantly improving the application's functionality and user interface.
* Leveraged state management libraries including Redux and Recoil, along with REST APIs, to facilitate seamless communication with the backend, enabling efficient data handling.
* Leveraged the use of Webpack Module Federation to share code across multiple applications, reducing redundancy and enhancing code maintainability.
* Demonstrated proficiency in version control with Git, ensuring smooth commits and deployments, and established CI/CD pipelines using GitHub workflows, enabling rigorous testing and validation prior to deployment.
* Implemented rigorous unit testing for both mobile and web applications using Jest and React Testing Library, ensuring robust and error-free software solutions.

Cognizant Technology Solutions

Program Analyst

* Collaborated on myConnections App's feature development with React and TypeScript, contributing to successful project deliveries.,
* Assisted in managing the internal UI library, optimizing user interfaces for improved client satisfaction.
* Supported development and troubleshooting of myLiberty App, enhancing functionality and user interface.
* Contributed to the implementation of state management libraries and REST APIs, streamlining data processing.


Barathiar University

July 2016 - April 2019

Bachelor's in Computer Application



TierOne: Micro-frontend Appliation with React, Webpack:Module Fedation

This app shows how microservices can be used to make different apps and integrate them made for my personal learning purpose and is not functional with api integartion.
* This app used React and Vue.js framework to make micro apps and uses Webpack as a budler and module fedration to create and integrate microservices.
* The app uses Git and GitHub for version control and CI/CD worflows to run actions.
* Amazon S3 storage is used to store the build files automatically using github actions on push Amazon cloudFront is used to deploy the APP

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BookShelf: A react Project with redux,Firebase

This app is a Book Logger used to Pick the books you want to keep in wishlist and log the status of the books.
* Developed to better grasp and understand how to build a frontend App using React.
The main goal being to familiarize with the latest concepts of React including Functional Components, React Hooks, Context-API.
* State Management is done using Redux.
* The UI is build using Bootstrap with no custom CSS code Firebase is used as backed to store and retrive data and user details.
* Google Books API gets list of books on search

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Forkify: A Vanila Javscript coded with Scss for UI

This is a Recipe finder App which gives you a recipe for the food item searched
* This App is made using vanila JavaScript, SCSS and HTML5.
* This app is a frontend Application with two APIs. A GET api integration to get a list of dishes and recipe that matches the serach term A POST api to add new recipe.
* The Recipe can be bookmarked and bookmarked recipe are shown even after refresh of browser window using Local Storage.
* This app is bundled using parcel and deployed in Netlify

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Magnetic Meals:made with React

This is Food Ordering app made with React It provides a seamless and interactive user experience, making it ideal for modern web applications.
* The app follows a component-based architecture using Functional Component and react hooks , allowing for modular and reusable code. Each component represents a specific part of the UI.
* React Context-API is used to share state between cart and Menu components.
* Incorporates interactive elements such as form validations, animations, and dynamic updates to enhance user engagement.

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Mapty:A Simple Project with HTML, SCSS, Javascript

This App renders a Map and a SideBar which shows logged entries, click anywhere in the map and Add the activity or excercise done in that place and the App syncs the logged excercise with the selected location.
* Used to log diffrent excercise in different location The amazing thing about this App is it takes your current location and shows you the map, to use in real time.
* It is build only with HTML5 ,CSS, JavaScript.
* Local Storage to cache the data, This helps to perserve data entred if user visits the app again.
* All fonts, styles and library LeafLet are accessed using CDN urls in script tags.

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